
Individual therapy with a skilled therapist provides a very private environment to process thoughts, feelings, and pieces of a person’s history that are rarely talked about. In individual therapy, you can focus on exploring your past and present without judgment from others. Many people have expressed ideas and told secrets in individual therapy that they never imagined they would say out loud, and it gave them the ability to finally face their deepest fears and conquer them.

While individual and group therapy are useful and essential elements for recovery support, couple therapy can provide opportunities to change couple patterns in a way that lowers emotional reactivity. Being able to create mutual understanding and accountability around these healthier patterns is critical in helping individual recovery changes solidify more quickly, which in turn helps your relationship to improve. We believe that consistent couple therapy (even if it is monthly) is critical because it prevents couples from establishing a firm foundation of individual recovery that is disconnected from their spouse.
Connection to family plays an important role in our emotional development and well being. Sometimes it is helpful to have professional help as you sort through family conflicts and work to change painful patterns in your family relationships. Family therapy can help your family understand how your behaviors affect each other, improve communication between family members, introduce new communication and coping skills, and deepen connection.
Group Therapy
Almost every one of our clients reports that being in a group setting helps them feel less ashamed, not alone, and more hopeful. You can see people who are at different places in their process of recovery, which can help you see your progress, as well as hope for the future based on others in the group who may be further along in some ways and experiencing successes you long to achieve.
Gender-specific groups available for males and females struggling with sex/love addictions. Additionally, we have gender-specific groups available for partners of sex/love addicts.
Click here for more information and click here to request enrollment.

Couples’ Workshops
Emotional Safety: Explore the basic building blocks of creating emotional safety individually and relationally. Click here for more information and click here to request registration.
Connection and Empathy: Once you have basic levels of emotional safety, this workshop deepens your ability to connect with yourself and your partner. Click here for more information and click here to request registration.
Healthy Sexuality: Sort through roadblocks inhibiting your ability to connect physically and emotionally. Click here for more information and click here to request registration.